Enrolling Your Child at St. Theresa's
Step One: If you wish to enrol your child at St Theresa's Catholic School, you will first need to make an appointment with our Principal. This can be done by phoning the Office ( 04-233 8093). The Principal will talk to you about the school, answer any questions you may have and show you around the classrooms. Preference enrolment will also be explained.
Step Two: All Catholic Schools have a dual enrolment system - children who meet the criteria of the Bishop of the Diocese are considered to be Preference students and have priority of enrolment. The Preference Form needs to be signed by the Parish Priest, who represents the Bishop of the Diocese.
Non-preference students are those who do not meet the Criteria for Preference Enrolment but whose parents want their children to have a Catholic primary education. St Theresa's Catholic School can enrol 5% of its roll as non-preference.
Step Three: Fill out the Application for Enrolment form and return it to school. You will then receive a letter confirming your child's place in our school. Once your child's enrolment is accepted, you can relax!
Step Four: About a term before your child is due to start school, they will be invited to attend a series of pre-school sessions which are held at our school on Friday afternoons. These sessions enable your child to get to know the school, the New Entrant classroom and their peer group. They will also have some formal school visits just prior to starting school.
Step Five: First day! On arrival, your child will be greeted by their teacher and their very own Buddy - an older child who will look after them and help them settle into school life, especially in the initial days.
Step Six: All new children and their families are welcomed into the school community with a Powhiri followed by Mass and morning tea. This is a highlight for all children, staff and parents and one that you will not forget.
Congratulations! Now you are well and truly part of the community that is St. Theresa's Catholic School.