
About St. Theresa's Plimmerton

St Theresa's Catholic School in Plimmerton
serves the following suburbs for a Year 1-6 Catholic education:
Whitby, Papakowhai, Pauatahanui, Paremata, Mana, Aotea, Pukerua Bay,
Plimmerton, Camborne
and offers a long tradition of faith and excellence.

St. Theresa’s is an integrated Year 1 – 6 Catholic school. The Catholic Character of our school focuses on helping our students to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ in their daily lives and to live by His values. We pray together every day. Our Catholic character underpins everything we do. We provide a warm, caring, family environment with nine classrooms in a semi-rural setting.  The school is situated in James Street, Plimmerton and was founded in 1949 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Nazareth, teaching 51 children in three classrooms.  Our maximum roll is currently 212.

One of the key ways we promote excellence in life-long learning is our focus on the Inquiry process. Children at all levels are learning how to learn, using many tools and strategies to assist them. Children are being taught the skills they need to become life-long learners and take ownership of their learning. This empowers them to become independent and interdependent learners.
We provide rewarding and successful sporting and physical education opportunities for all our students with a large playing field, a netball court, adventure playgrounds and our own swimming pool.
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to take an active part in their child’s learning and we welcome involvement in our class programmes.  We are very fortunate to have a parent community who generously and consistently give their time and energy to support the school in many ways.